benefits of green tea

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Origin of Green Tea

For over 4000 years, green tea has been enjoyed China. It has been used as both a beverage and a method of traditional medicine in most of Asia  to help everything from controlling bleeding and helping heal wounds to regulating body temperature, blood sugar and promoting digestion.

Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine the extent of its long-purported health benefits, with some evidence suggesting that regular green tea drinkers have lower chances of heart disease and of developing certain types of cancer. Although green tea does not raise the metabolic rate enough to produce immediate weight loss, a green tea extract containing polyphenols and caffeine has been shown to induce thermogenesis and stimulate fat oxidation, boosting the metabolic rate 4% without increasing the heart rate.

According to studies flavonoids in a cup of green tea is higher than that in the same volume of other food and drink items that are traditionally considered of health contributing nature, including fresh fruits, vegetable juices or wine. Flavonoids are a group of phytochemicals in most plant products that are responsible for such health effects as anti-oxidative and anticarcinogenic functions.

This was taken from the Wikipedia

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Green 4 Tea Diet: The Successful Diet for The New YOU!

If you're reading this, you're probably among the group of people who are trying to be healthier and would like to hopefully lose a little bit of weight. You don’t need expensive diets to shed that unwanted fats, with this kind of diet I will be discussing can help you lose weight naturally.

Sure there are hundreds of types of diets available. You just have to choose which fits you and your lifestyle. But how do you do that? Lower your fat intake, lower your carbs, count your calories throughout the day. They are all the same.

This is different from the other diets. This is not some fad. This diet has other health benefits aside from helping you succeed in losing weight. It can help you understand the process of weight loss through the Green Tea Diet.

From the name itself, you would probably assume that all you really need is to drink a dozen cups of green tea alone. After a couple of days you'll be too sick of green tea you’ll just end up discarding  them just like the other diets you have tried before. You can also try drinking some green tea capsules and probably have the same effects. You just have to be more discerning before buying them as some may have side effects.

In any case, the green tea inhibits the creation of insulin that stops the dietary fat. It increases your metabolism similar to what caffeine does. The problem with that is our bodies have become immune to caffeine and a small dosage alone will not have any effect. The herbal green tea and its natural caffeine content have an amazing effect in promoting weight loss.

An added benefit also is that it has the most potent anti oxidant called the "EGCG". Researchers evaluated how green tea, combined with caffeine, might affect weight loss and more importantly the ability to maintain the weight. According to studies those who took the EGCG/ caffeine during the period of the program continued to lose weight, lose their body fats and increase their metabolism.

The effect is due primarily to its anti-oxidant. What this means to you is that you will definitely lose weight and you will be able to maintain your desired weight.

Thus with this diet, you will have more energy and you can definitely lose weight without exercising. It is of course recommended that you exercise if you want to see a rapid weight loss and better physique.

To discover some of major health benefits of the Herbal Green Tea Diet for weight loss, you can refer to the GREEN 4 TEA Diet.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Green 4 Tea: A Weight Loss Diet Plan

If you're trying to get healthy, increase your blood circulation, get your heart beating properly, enhance your energy, and lose weight like it's nobody's business, then you MUST read this page, otherwise you're going to get suckered into the next diet plan you look at or go back to. Green4Tea is the perfect all-in-one solution for SO many problems, in fact just off the top of my head, here are a few of the vital benefits various green tea's offer:

What's So Great with GREEN TEA?

Promotes good heart health...
Lowers cholesterol...
Reduces heart attacks...
Aids in weight loss...
Prevents skin damage...
Improves circulation...
Helps with good digestive health...
Soothes stress...
Is antibacterial...
Protects liver function...
Relaxes the body...
Prevents sun
Helps protect against diabetes...
And strengthens bones...
Bolsters your immune system...
Improves your memory...
Sharpens your mental focus...
Promotes younger looking skin...
Helps prevent arthritis...
Removes toxins from your body...
Helps prevent cancer...
Calms the mind...
Aids in maintaining healthy eyes...
And helps heal lung damage...
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